Monday, September 24, 2007


The meaning of the word Evolution has been transformed from...Change over time...into...There is no GOD, We are all Monkeys..

Those looking for an excuse to limit or attempt escape from responsibility embrace it.

GOD exists and there is no escape...other than delusion...which is finite and fragile...or a temporary prosperity.

You can postpone your evolution into a skeleton for as long as possible but it's inevitable that you will not postpone it forever. Just as you will never postpone the shattering of your cherished delusions forever.

You all don't come here in search of Truth...You all come here seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.

The Universe is powered by GOD...GOD supplies an infinite and indestructible amount of less than infinite and indestructible power to all and everything. You are not supplied with enough power to move that object over there out of the way but if you are able to obtain more power greater than you are supplied with by GOD it can be done...Together our power is greater...And we can move that object out of the way...

How much power does GOD supply to an individual...A less than infinite and indestructible amount...How much power is a less than infinite and indestructible amount? Enough power when abused to enslave an entire planet.

Currently the object you are having trouble moving out of the way on your journey to the logical conclusion is a reasonable assumption.

You are having trouble moving it out of the way because you think, believe, and have faith that the reasonable assumption is a logical conclusion.

GOD is Truth and Truth is GOD. Yes the LORD works in mysterious ways...GOD does not.

"No experiment could possibly prove or disprove the existence of the omnipresent and omnipotent."

Here is the the experiment...


The first lie a liar wants you to believe is that Truth is impossible to know...

You would have to be omnipresent and omnipotent...or GOD to know...Truth.

Unfortunately and fortunately once you know Truth...It's impossible for liars to convince another that a lie is Truth.

A delusion is a lie you tell yourself...and when you fall in love with it...It becomes a cherished delusion.

I'm well aware that you will fight to the death to protect that which you cherish.

Again...You all don't come here in search of Truth...You all come here seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.

Truth can not be reasoned with (lied to)

Truth does not lie.

Truth is unreasonable.

I'm not here seeking support for or to promote cherished delusions.

Like the cherished delusion that truth is that truth is impossible to know.

If it's not GOD then it's a Lie...

1+1=2...Try and destroy that all you never will.

1+1=3...This is very easy to destroy.

Behind all that you are aware of is simplicity that you all can not or refuse to comprehend.

Whether you are a believer in truth or not...You all think believe and have faith that 1+1=3...And when you are reminded that it is not...You become upset because the cherished delusion that 1+1 is a lie is destroyed by GOD.

The key problem is that you all don't know what Truth is.

What then is Truth...below is a hint.

It's all that you don't tell me that you think I'm unaware of.

1+1 = Truth

The existance of Truth can easily be proven.

Truth is infinite and indestructible.

Truth can not be reasoned with (Lied to)

Truth does not lie

Truth is unreasonable.

GOD is infinite and indestructible

GOD can not be reasoned with (Lied to)

GOD does not lie.

GOD is unreasonable.

GOD is not an invention...GOD is a discovery.

Truth is not an invention...Truth is a descovery.

Mathematics is not an invention...Mathematics is a discovery.

GOD Truth Mathematics are words invented to attempt to describe the complexity of simplicity as simply as possible.

GOD, Truth, Mathmatics, Logic, Law all existed before they were discovered...1000's of years ago.

You were all born yesterday and you are all going to die tomorrow.

Reguardless you are all praying that Truth does not exist because Truth destroys your cherished delusions since Truth can not be reasoned with (lied to) and Truth does not lie...

You all find that unreasonable.

You will all fight to the death trying to defeat that which is infinite and indestructible.

There is never a lasting victory over Lies and the war against Truth has no exit strategy and always in defeat...

Could also be said.

There is never a lasting victory over Evil and the war against GOD has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

I don't think belive or have faith that Truth exists...I know GOD exists.


If you think believe and have faith that the existance of truth can not be proven then you have no ability to solve the above problem.

That is why you all tell me lie after lie after lie...Attempting to reason with me.

Convince me.

Persuade me.

And when that fails...Attempt to force me to support and help to promote your cherished delusions.

No, No we are not doing that!

Tell me another lie.

Of course the poll is an opinion poll.

The antonym or opposite of opinion is fact...

Does religion do more harm than good?

All belief is religious.

So then does what you think believe and have faith in as Truth cause more harm that good?

I guess It all depends upon what you think believe and have faith truth is.

Currently you all think, believe, and have faith that Truth is whatever you think, believe, and have faith Truth is.

Does that do more harm than good?

So then we need a poll to decide what harm and good is.

Because you all think, believe, and have faith that (Insert whatever here) is...Is whatever you think, believe, and have faith (Insert whatever here) is.

"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."

--Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/concensus

Sorry but Truth is not decided by a majority vote...Just the consequences.

The consequences that could be Good or Bad.

Does what you think, believe, and have faith that Truth is...Is whatever you think, believe, and have faith Truth is...cause more harm than good?

How about...

Does what you think, believe, and have faith that GOOD is...Is whatever you think, believe, and have faith GOOD is...cause more harm than good?

How about...

Does what you think, believe, and have faith that HARM is...Is whatever you think, believe, and have faith HARM is...cause more harm than good?

Opinion is not Truth.

Opinion is another word to describe delusion...and a delusion is a lie you tell yourself...

I'm well awere of all the lies you told yourself...fell in love with...and now cherish.

How is a poll going to tell me what I already know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blake put it well. "Truth can never be told so as to be understood and not be believed."
from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
